Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Wow did 2008 come and go or what, my goodness! I cant believe it is already 2009! We have been pretty busy these past three weeks, with Christmas, traveling, Kyles grandpa George being in the hospital, New Years and oh my hubby Kyle Ryan's 22ND BIRTHDAY which was on January 2ND :) I know I'm a little late posting its just we have not been home or anything to where I could get on a computer I know lol! But HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLE RYAN you are my hole world MY BEST FRIEND, PARTNER, and THE BEST FATHER EVER to our beautiful baby boy TALEN RYAN!!! So... what a good way to start off the new year I'm so excited all of us girls are going to the BRITNEY SPEARS CONCERT :) just a girls night out, with myself, my sister, Justina, Savanna, Jenny and Vicki my mother in law Woo HOO its going to be a blast!!!!

So anyways I thought it would be nice to post some pictures of Mr. Talen and let everyone know how he is doing :) He is doing wonderful he is just about 7 in a half months now, I know already, can you believe it, it is going way to fast for me, it just breaks my heart that he is growing up so darn fast! He is eating lots of solid foods now and LOVING them lol he's not crawling yet but really is trying he scoots around everywhere on his belly and lifts himself up like he is doing a push up its so funny, he has six teeth already my poor little man has had it rough lol He is starting to really like his walker and figuring out that he can go places in it, oh and did I mention that he is the biggest mamas boy ever!!:) I walk or leave the room for a split second he freaks out my goodness. Talen defiantly babels a hole bunch and we have been working with him on ma ma and da da he hasn't quite got it yet but he will :) Well that's whats going on in Talen Ryan's life at the moment hope everyone enjoys the picture!!!


Roger,Tammy,Daniel,Jacob,Justina&Brooklyn said...

Katie Lady have I ever told you and I am sure I have, that you and Kyle made the most perfect baby boy ever! Talen Ryan Slone we could'nt ask for a more perfect baby. As Talen grows,grows and grows into a man. Talen will know how special his parents are. Baby Girl you should be very proud because you dont just have one special man in your life you have two. I LOVE YOU infinity. Give my Baybaby I hug and Kiss from his Anut Tammy............
Love you Sissy

Brian said...

Thanks katie it was really great to see you, kyle, and talen. I wish I could have visted longer but hopefully I will see you guys soon. I really enjoyed holding talen he is really cute and you and kyle are great parents. And just give me a call when you come down this weekend and we will get together. I have to work friday, saturday and sunday night but we will work it out. like always i love you guys and miss you

Roger,Tammy,Daniel,Jacob,Justina&Brooklyn said...

Can't wait to see My sweet baby sister and my baybaby. I miss you guys so much. I absolutely hate being away from you Katie. I am missing Talen and everything new he does everyday. They grow so fast savor the moments forever. Look at my babies, I am taking Daniel today to go his permit.
OH MY that scares me. I love you

Roger,Tammy,Daniel,Jacob,Justina&Brooklyn said...

I Love You Katie Lady, my Baybaby and Mr. Kyle Ryan Too!
LoVe SiSsY

jpeezy6 said...

I so didn't know you lived there?? Why Flagstaff?? There was sooo much snow when we went, it was crazy. I will definately let you know the next time I am up there though!

TrAvIs aNd SaVaNnA said...

Gosh doesn't talen have the greatest smile. its so darn cute. Oh ya I can't wait for britney!! Womanizer, Womanizer. lol. Ok well i have to go get ready for the bbq. oh i need to call you to see if i'm picking you up or you are picking me up hmm.ok i'm rambling. love ya!