Yee haw!!! Talen honestly loves his little horse, that's probably about the only time I get where he is not freaking out because I am not holding him hahah.... He totally will sit, rock and bounce for like almost two hours which is great for me because I can just plop his little butt on it and he will watch me do my yoga and wii fit workout in the morning ;) And every once in a while he will let me leave the room and do dishes or something lol. Seriously I have learned being a mom you defiantly have to multitask and do everything one handed!!!;) Especially at this stage he just wants mommy and no one else, its kinda hard sometimes, is this normal?!
oh and something that I AM SO EXCITED to share with everyone and maybe its just because I am such a dork and super excited about it, but oh my goodness I AM SO EXCITED Talen said MA MA FOUR TIMES tonight at the dinner table :):) I never thought I would be so excited to hear those words!!! Now I know how Kyle felt when he said DA DA for the first time lol... Anyways just thought I would share :)
That is just about the cutest thing I have every seen...he looks so so happy! And Yay about the Ma ma thing..
It's always good to find that one staple toy that you can turn to- to actually get something done! Totally normal for 8 month old to have some separation anxiety... Tayler was AWFUL at that age. Hearing your little baby spout out MAMA is the coolest thing ever. That is so exciting. He is so so cute and I can't wait to see you guys again. We need to take a trip up North!
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