Well... mmmm hmmm... Talen Ryan is totally at the stage now where he is starting to get into EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING! I cant turn my head for one split sec without him getting into something. I mean we have completely baby proofed our house or so what we thought, his big thing is having mommy chase him all around and he is like speedy gonzales crawling I swear, getting into cords from the computer and the darn TV or opening every dresser drawer that he can get into and pulling all the dang clothes out. I mean my goodness we have tried to tie the cords and tape them up but he still manages to get them somehow lol or even in these pictures when I was on a craze of dusting everything in site one day and keeping everything real clean, meanwhile he was pulling out all of the dirty clothes out of the laundry baskets and making a bigger mess for mommy, which is not a big deal but it was one of those days were I was like UGH, ya know! He just thought that was a hoot though! :)
He was thinking pretty hard about taking the clothes out and then, I was watching him from the corner of my eye and he would sometimes put them back in, it was so funny! All I know is it gets tirering trying to keep up with little man he is a speedy little buger and I cant imagine what it is going to be like when he starts walking ;) wooee! Kyle will come home and watch him and be like ahhh... how in the heck do you keep up with him, he gets into everything we have! I always tell him oh its a gift, its a mom thing hahaha :)
Oh I had to throw in this picture because it's cute and between his horsey and this laundry basket is about the only break I get from not chasing him all over the dang house lol Gives me 5 to 10 min to sit down! ;) Oh my baby Talen I LOVE HIM SO VERY MUCH and do enjoy spending every sec with him and chasing his little butt around! I know someday I wont be able to anymore so I better enjoy it now ;) ;)
Oh I also had a question for all you mommies out there, Talen doesn't have a bottle at all during the night but he still wakes up at least once in the middle of the night usually around two or so for his binky.... is there anyway I can figure out a way to try and get him to sleep through the hole night??? Maybe we should just stop given him the binky, I don't know, I am coming to terms that maybe he is just one of those babies that doesn't sleep through the hole night, I'm sure he will eventually, but I just don't know lol! If anyone has any advice please give it!!! Thank you!
I just stopped breastfeeding like two weeks ago and ever since I did that Makell has slept all through the night. And if she does wake up she will just go back to sleep on her own now. she never took a binky so i dont have that problem
but makell only drinks her milk out of a sippy cup so we dont use bottles any more either so maybe try giving him a sippy cup all babys are different so i really dontknow `
Oh MAn, Chloe is a binky girl too! I wouldn't take it from him just yet... he is still a little guy :) BUT, I agree some babies just wake up and need that sucking comfort to get them back to sleep. Tayler still wakes up for juice once a night, she is starting to wean herself away from it though. You could either... let him just fall back asleep on his own (CRY) or you can just wait it out... because eventually he will be old enough where you can tell him... I will put an extra binky here for you pal if you lose yours in the night. (Maybe on another pillow or something) I tell ya what though... If this is the least of your worries... REJOICE!!!!
Oh Mr. Bojangles is so dang cute. Bring him down so I can take a turn chasing him around, but we have to go buy those outlet covers because He loves those lol. I love his binky its so cute. well I'm going to call you now because I havent talked to you yet today. love ya
Every kid is definitely different! I went from a kid who woke up 5 times a night (AT LEAST, NO LIE!) to a kid that goes to sleep by 8 and sleeps all night long without waking up. I mean Cohen definitely has his nights where he wakes up every now and again but I can go to bed most nights counting on a full nights sleep. He's Mr. Independent and he prefers to drink his bottle by himself in his bed before bedtime. He sits, drinks his bottle, puts his mimi (binkie) in his mouth and then puts himself to sleep. Heaven I tell ya! Talen is getting to the age though where I think you can start putting an extra binkie in his crib in the same spot every night and just make sure he sees you put it there and he'll eventually start remembering that it's there. Or try a toy. I put a toy or two in Cohen's bed at night and sometimes if he wakes up but doesn't need anything he'll play with his toy until he falls back asleep. I don't know...it's hard to say because they're all different but its great to get a few suggestions and try new things. Hope all is going well for you guys! Miss you much! Hope to see you soon! Love you! Sorry that I wrote a novel!
Hey Katie! It was great hearing from you, it has been FOREVER. You look great and talen is adorable! Im so happy for you. I am so excited for little preston to get here, im so ready to be a mommy. Well keep in touch girl and take care!
Oh boy sounds like fun! He is such a cutie! Rylie is stuck to her pacifer like glue! I wish that I would have just never started to use one, or taken it away a long time ago. My advice... If you want to take it away before he gets much more attached replace it with a blanket or something else that would comfort him. If you do not want to take it away (because he is still pretty young) try to teach him to find it by himself. Maybe you could leave one on the corner of his crib, always in the same spot so he would know where to find it. That way, he can comfort himself back to sleep and you can get a good night of rest.
Just a though, could he be hungry? Rylie was sleeping through the night really good for several months, but then one night she started waking up about the same time each night. I finally figured out that it was because she was hungry. I started to mix some cereal in her night time bottle, or would make sure she ate, and ate and ate some more. That helped hold her over till morning. All night is a long time for a tiny tummy to go without food.
Oh goodness your little man is the cutest!! I can just picture him doing things because he knows they big you haha...We actually decided to move into an apartment for now, we wanted a house but feel we need more time to save money and to make sure we are ready for a house 100 percent. So right now we are happy in our apartment, we moved in a week ago and really like having a place of our own especially since it's closer to work :]] Justin tried the snowboarding on wii but that's it haha. I haven't done it the past week either just with everything going on, but I will get back to the nitty gritty soon.
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